NOVMAR receives recognition at the CICIND session in Hamburg

From May 1-4, 2024, in Hamburg, in Germany, a jubilee event took place, 100th Conference of the International Organization for Steel Construction CICIND.

CICIND is an international association founded in Paris in 1973. At the beginning of the 20s of this century, it has 190 members from 41 countries, operates under the French name COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIELLES, or under the abbreviation CICIND, and conducts active research and development work in many areas of civil construction. The Krakow company NOVMAR engineer Wiesław Nowak, joined CICIND in the 1990s and has been actively involved in the organization's activities ever since. Nowak's company was even the organizer and host of one of CICINDU's annual conferences in the past, which took place in Gdańsk.

Wiesław Nowak he took part in this year's jubilee edition of the General Meeting and Conference of the Organization, similar to many other meetings of this type in the past, to which he also takes his employees. This time, in Hamburg, a pleasant surprise awaited him, because at the ceremony inaugurating the Conference, he was honored with the distinction of the President of CICINDU and an impressive plaque, made of wood and metal (pictured).

The authorities of the Organization thus recognized the international achievements of NOVMAR, a company that is developing steadily, successfully providing repair services, also for well-known global corporations, and at the beginning of this year (2024) implemented a modern technological line for the production of pressure boiler panels in its plants in Balice, near Krakow.