Novmar » Accomplishments » Energy industry

Energy industry

Sample projects

Ostersund, Sweden


Description: Installation of a power boiler and high pressure pipelines. Pipelines up to DN40 were prefabricated at our production plant in Balice.

Kemi, Finland


Description: Prefabrication and assembly of low pressure pipelines (process piping)

FYN, Denmark


Description: Construction of a new power boiler at the power plant in Odense, Denmark. Novmar completed the assembly of the boiler with high pressure pipelines in less than 3 months.

Uppsala, Sweden


Description: Installation of low pressure pipelines for power boiler and district heating pipelines (P235GH, DN 600). Prefabrication was made in our production plant in Balice.

Pori, Finland


Description: Installation of a power boiler and high pressure pipelines.

Skellefteå, Sweden

Description: Modernization and renovation in the plant for the recovery of precious metals from electronic waste. The project also included the delivery of pressure elements covered with a layer of Inconel.

Jyväskylä, Finland

Description: Construction of a new installation to reduce the level of pollution in a coal-fired power plant. The scope of works included a new installation building, installation of devices and flue gas ducts, installation of electrostatic precipitators and modernization of the boiler with adaptation to cooperation with the new installation.

Poznan, Poland

Description: The aim of the modernization was to adapt the boiler to use biomass. The scope of work included the replacement of the grate, walls and superheaters. The pipe-maker and boiler accessories were also modified.

Vasilikos, Cyprus

Description: In 2011, the Vasilikos power plant was destroyed in a massive ammunition explosion at a nearby military unit. The reconstruction and modernization of boilers 1 and 2 was undertaken by the Novmar company. The scope included repair and reconstruction of boilers, accompanying devices, steel structure of facilities, air and flue gas ducts and insulation.

Mänttä, Finland

Description: Replacement of ECO packages during the boiler's technological standstill. Using a specially designed frame for this project, old elements that were already heavily corroded were dismantled.

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